I took notes today about the things I wanted to blog about. Today was Fast Sunday. I so enjoyed all the testimonies that were shared. My friends only daughter was married in the Salt Lake temple on Friday. Her whole family was with her. Her two older brothers and her mother all bore testimonies of the joy that was felt at the temple as they all stood in the celestial room and saw all of their family and many of their loved ones. One of the boys said he knew that that's how it will be when we have passed on. Our families with us in the celestial kingdom, and how joyfull that would be for us. I reflected about the many times I have been to the Temple. The first to be sealed to my own mother, father, and brothers and sisters. I have been many times since but the ones that stand out most in my mind were being sealed to my eternal companion. How I felt as I realized we were together forever . That our marriage would last beyond death. Next is when our son Seth was sealed to us. All my beautiful children were there and so many of my family, I cryed like a baby. Then I think of my three youngest children who were sealed to us in the Manti temple. They were so hurt and damaged when they came to live with us. Now they are such acomplished young ladies, and a tall growing young man. These are just a few of the times I remember and I also think of my sons being sealed to their spouses. I am looking forward to the next month when I will be attending the Temple with my 3rd son who will be receiving blessings and making covenants with the lord before he serves a 2 year mission. This is the same boy who made me cry so hard at the temple when were were sealed together when he was just 5. I am truly grateful for the Temple and the blessing that we receive there.
Our lesson today was about the pure religion and what is taught in James about it. Having Charity or the pure love of Christ is a form or part of pure religion. I thought about the many homeless people that I see. I have seen two young boys, one 21 and the other only 18, who were left in the canyon as a joke by their last ride with no food or water, 15 miles to the next town. We brought them home, had them shower, and fed them. We also drove them to the next Town over and made sure they had food and water for several days . We hope they made it to Arizona were one of them had a brother. I also thought of the older lady trying to get to California were it is warm and had no money or food. We gave her what we had in the car and drove her to the next town. We can not help them all, and both times we felt the spirit tell us to stop and help. We always offer water even if we can not give a ride. I hope that our meager efforts to help the poor are worth something.
Our sacrament hymn was page 180 "Father in Heaven, We do Believe" I was impressed during the sacrament to read the other verses.
5 We will be buried in the stream In Jesus blessed name, And rise while light shall on us beam The spirits Heavenly flame.
6 Baptize us with the Holy Ghost And seal us as thine own, That we may join the ransomed host and with the saints be one
4 Humbly we take the sacrament in Jesus Blessed name Let us receive thu covenant The spirits heavenly flame.
I was so touched by the words that I opened my scriptures and read the two verses that went with this song 3 Neiphi 12:9 and 3 Neiphi 18:7,11
I am touched by the Love that the Savior has for all God's children to die for our sins and provide a plan that we can return to him.
When we had our good news minite in Relief society today, my good new was that Seth fell last night and his leg was going numb and he was grinding as he walked. We took him to the hospital were he was Xrayed and although his back was twisted it was just muscle spasms causing the pain and grinding feeling. He should feel better in about two weeks. I felt very blessed as it could have been so bad.
Today has been a great day to reflect and grow. I am indeed thankful for a day of fasting
Love ya all
The Porter Tribe
new years 2012
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Has it really been that long since I blogged!
Being a Mother, I love being a mother altho I have never considered my self a typical mom. I stayed at home and didn't work the first 20 years of my marriage . I know how to sew cook and chochet and I can also clean (its just hard for me) . I love to entertain . I love the crafty stuff we do in Relief Society when we have those kinds of activities. So I guess its the emotional thing that I'm non traditional about . The lovey dovy part . I love my kids but I really never played games with them other than to teach them how . I didn't play blocks or anything like that and if they were hurt than I kisses it better or they went to Martha and she sang it better for them . It was Papi who always is the one who deals with emotions ,Not that I don't cry and things like that its just I'm a red personality and so its more of an attitude of get on with it . So why is it that when they have a need they call me. I love this but it has perplexed me for many years. Money ask Mamita, courage ask Mamita . Discouraged ask Mamita. As a mater of fact If they call on the phone and need to get permission to stay late or some other thing even if Papi answers than they ask for me ,he is the parent too!So my point being when in church people talk about the mother the great nurturer I worry. Even in the family a proclamation Its the roll of the mother to nurture ...yikes! I think my kids have turned out really good and I get complements often about their behavior . But would they have been better people had their mother been more ...nice?
Now in other news I have pics of Lucia in the play Legend of Sleepy Hallow and of the uea visit with everyone and none of Seth opening his call because the camea was lost! but now its found.
Now in other news I have pics of Lucia in the play Legend of Sleepy Hallow and of the uea visit with everyone and none of Seth opening his call because the camea was lost! but now its found.
Have a happy Halloween Everyone
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Wow, Do I look That Old!
I am now 52 , Yup that's right 52 ,I thought by now I would have a head full of gray hair.So I wonder how old do I look . give me a good guess. For my birthday I got a foot message from Lucia, A hug from Kieora and Michael gave me European chocolates, William and Natalie sent me 2 chicken books. I love chickens.
In other news Lucia took 5th in Panguitch this week Tishel took 8th . Kieora has been gone alot with volleyball ,she is the teem manager.
Michael fixed up the back of the house the cover to the crawl space was falling apart and catching the watter from the rain and funneling it right under the house . Its all new now and he removed the old grow box and planter and repaired the wood that coverd the connection of the house to the foundation. . It really made a difference too the house . Now if we could just get the leak under the bathroom fixed ,the hole in the little bathroom floor fixed and the addition done . things would really look nice .
I taught my lesson today , I am the 3rd sunday teacher I dont know why I always think I am the 2nd sunday teacher . Some glitch in my brain.
It was a hard lesson for me to teach . The gathering of Israel. I have been studying and pondering it all week . Its just a hard one for me to bring excitement to. I asked one of the ladies in our ward when she knew she was spiritually gathered in . she told of how she was ridding in a car with her friend and they had both babies with them ,before car seats, so they were just on the seat beside her,one on each side .everyone in the front seat, when they ran into a heard of cows that had bedded down all across the road ,she said she put an arm around each baby ducked her head and closed her eyes and prayed . when she opened her eyes they were past the cows , she looked at her friend and asked how did you get past the cows and her friend said I don't know I shut my eyes too. that's when the sister in my ward sad she realized God loved her ,He was aware of her and how her life was . she testified that the Lord answers prayers some quick some take 20 years but he always answers
I know this too .
I love you all , Mamita
In other news Lucia took 5th in Panguitch this week Tishel took 8th . Kieora has been gone alot with volleyball ,she is the teem manager.
Michael fixed up the back of the house the cover to the crawl space was falling apart and catching the watter from the rain and funneling it right under the house . Its all new now and he removed the old grow box and planter and repaired the wood that coverd the connection of the house to the foundation. . It really made a difference too the house . Now if we could just get the leak under the bathroom fixed ,the hole in the little bathroom floor fixed and the addition done . things would really look nice .
I taught my lesson today , I am the 3rd sunday teacher I dont know why I always think I am the 2nd sunday teacher . Some glitch in my brain.
It was a hard lesson for me to teach . The gathering of Israel. I have been studying and pondering it all week . Its just a hard one for me to bring excitement to. I asked one of the ladies in our ward when she knew she was spiritually gathered in . she told of how she was ridding in a car with her friend and they had both babies with them ,before car seats, so they were just on the seat beside her,one on each side .everyone in the front seat, when they ran into a heard of cows that had bedded down all across the road ,she said she put an arm around each baby ducked her head and closed her eyes and prayed . when she opened her eyes they were past the cows , she looked at her friend and asked how did you get past the cows and her friend said I don't know I shut my eyes too. that's when the sister in my ward sad she realized God loved her ,He was aware of her and how her life was . she testified that the Lord answers prayers some quick some take 20 years but he always answers
I know this too .
I love you all , Mamita
Sunday, September 11, 2011
New callings,Lots of medales
Lucia tells me that I must tell you all about the cross county stuff she and Tishel are doing so I will start with that . Lucia is running cross country again! Tishel is also running in 8th grade JV . They are both doing really well Lucia has placed every time even tho she had to stop once and tie her shoe! She was getting run down so we started giving her green smoothies every morning and having her drink chia seeds every afternoon. She is now keeping her strainth and feeling not so over whelmed .Sinc Tishel is also runing She is doing the same thing . She had a disappointment at fish lake because they mixed up the places and put others who finished after her in front of her even when she pointed out who she came in front of and who she was behind they didn't get it right and she lost getting a meddle . Not a happy camper.Lucia has been cast as Van Ripre in the headless horse men. Kieora is singing Popular from wicked and is Annie in hard nock life in the musical review that they are doing with the new music teacher.
Michael has a new calling in the ward. now he has three . He teaches the 12 13 year old Sunday class he also is a home teacher and he was just set apart today as the Ward music director and along with Oli as his assistant.
Thats all the news I know kinda boring But I do love you all
Michael has a new calling in the ward. now he has three . He teaches the 12 13 year old Sunday class he also is a home teacher and he was just set apart today as the Ward music director and along with Oli as his assistant.
Thats all the news I know kinda boring But I do love you all
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Spring cleaning?
Well this week I wanted to get everything done before school started again . So I have been going through every closet, cabinet, and room. I have sent bags and boxes of cloths to neighbors and have others to take to DI. I have reorganized girls room and boys room .all that is left is my file pile.that's all the stuff that has to be filed in my kids personal boxes ,report cards cool art projects ,meddles .awards, all the things that I gathered threw the school year. out of all the projects this one scares most . Mean wile wail all this reorganizing has been going on I haven't mopped the kitchen floor or cleaned the bathrooms .....
Austin is now her to stay . I don't know that I mentioned that he was moving in . Michael is working one more week at the R.RR Lucia will be moving back in this week after spending the summer there . That's all the news I have or can remember .
Austin is now her to stay . I don't know that I mentioned that he was moving in . Michael is working one more week at the R.RR Lucia will be moving back in this week after spending the summer there . That's all the news I have or can remember .
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Blog the new journal
We had a lesson today on keeping a journal or family history . All of the pioneer stories were recorded in journals from our ancestors. So obviously we are supposed to keep a journal for our children . I keep a journal though collage and my mission and for many years of my marriage . Then I lost Alexandria ,I stopped writing . That was 20 years ago almost 22 . but this year I started to blog and I also wrote letters almost weekly to my sister and mother when I was in Ecuador I also wrote every week to my boys wail they were on their missions . So I think I could probably piece together a pretty good journal of my life . Now I wonder should I gather together those letters and get them put in a book ? I really think I should.
When I realized that I did have records of my life tho scatted I got a bit excited . I even thought I wanted to read those letters because I loved Ecuador. It almost killed me several times but I did love it. So I think this is what I am going to do for my big project this winter . that is after I get my room cleaned and everything put away so I have someplace to organize all the records I have. ....maybe I should leave it for my kids to put together!
Other things happening in this world of mine . The girls came home from Trek they had a great time Lucia said the spirit was so strong and she was brought to tears about several times . One time she received a letter Papi and I had written to her delivered by the pony express. She said she was so home sick and tired and just wanted to be in her own bed then after reading the book she realized that some of the pioneers never saw their families again and some lost members on the trip . but they all wanted to get to the valley were the temple was so they could be sealed . so she and her two friends cried .this was just one of the many spiritual experiences that she had.
The other Girls also had a great time . They all struggled at one point or another but made it through.
Other things ,.Austin my nephew Papis sister Alice's boy is with us . The plan is for him to stay the school year .Tishel is really excited about that . Austin is 13 going into 7th grade.I'm not sure Austin knows that he is staying yet.
Edgar turned One he had a little part wail they were visiting for the Porter Reunion in leverkin . It was so fun to have Robert Kim and Edger here , Instead of just running of after a few hours we really had time to get to visit .Kim helped me clean Dax's room I don't think I could have done it without her . Edger was alot of fun he was just starting to walk when the came by the time they left he was walking all over and also would break dance when he was to tired to stay awake it was so funny . All we could figure was he was trying to keep himself awake by moving anyway he could. We didn't get any pictures of that but here are a few of his birthday'
and some of us swimming at uncle Bobs
Now back to the topic of this blog . If I use this as a journal . How do I print it so that I have a hard copy?
AHHHHH . one thing leads to another!
When I realized that I did have records of my life tho scatted I got a bit excited . I even thought I wanted to read those letters because I loved Ecuador. It almost killed me several times but I did love it. So I think this is what I am going to do for my big project this winter . that is after I get my room cleaned and everything put away so I have someplace to organize all the records I have. ....maybe I should leave it for my kids to put together!
Other things happening in this world of mine . The girls came home from Trek they had a great time Lucia said the spirit was so strong and she was brought to tears about several times . One time she received a letter Papi and I had written to her delivered by the pony express. She said she was so home sick and tired and just wanted to be in her own bed then after reading the book she realized that some of the pioneers never saw their families again and some lost members on the trip . but they all wanted to get to the valley were the temple was so they could be sealed . so she and her two friends cried .this was just one of the many spiritual experiences that she had.
The other Girls also had a great time . They all struggled at one point or another but made it through.
Other things ,.Austin my nephew Papis sister Alice's boy is with us . The plan is for him to stay the school year .Tishel is really excited about that . Austin is 13 going into 7th grade.I'm not sure Austin knows that he is staying yet.
Edgar turned One he had a little part wail they were visiting for the Porter Reunion in leverkin . It was so fun to have Robert Kim and Edger here , Instead of just running of after a few hours we really had time to get to visit .Kim helped me clean Dax's room I don't think I could have done it without her . Edger was alot of fun he was just starting to walk when the came by the time they left he was walking all over and also would break dance when he was to tired to stay awake it was so funny . All we could figure was he was trying to keep himself awake by moving anyway he could. We didn't get any pictures of that but here are a few of his birthday'
and some of us swimming at uncle Bobs
Now back to the topic of this blog . If I use this as a journal . How do I print it so that I have a hard copy?
AHHHHH . one thing leads to another!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
We had a great time with family at this years Williams reunion I do love my family . My brother was in charge of the cooking this year. Michael and William helped all day .It was long and hot but boy did that mutton taste good. On the way home Michael said they had some left over !I was so disappointed that I hadn't gotten any for the trip :( Tishel broke tradition by helping cut and prepare the meat . this is the first time in history that a girl has ever helped .I know I took a picture but I can't find it!We are having a great summer .
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Pioneer hats
So its summer time in Utah and everybody and his brother is going on trek! Those of you from any other state may not know what the hay trek is so I will tell you. When the Mormon pioneers came to Utah they came by wagon and also hand carts. Two groups of handcarts got caught in early winter storms and faced many hardships. These were the Martin and the Willie handcart companies. So today, to honor and learn about our great pioneer heritage, youth from the church return to Martin's cove and pull handcarts. They dress like pioneers and are allowed only the bare necessities. That brings me to this blog post. I have 3 daughters, 1 niece and a nephew going this year on trek. My sister is also going . Well I got out the pattern that I was given to make bonnets yesterday, and realized there were no measurementa for cutting, and sewing. I'm not THAT good, so I went on line and got a good pattern for bonnets . Thus prepared, I made bonnets. They were so easy I made one for not only my three girls but also my sister and niece and a neighbor. Then I made an apron. I was told that the aprons needed to have big pockets so they could hold water, sunscreen, and lip balm. I had already made 2 aprons of this sort for the play, "Fiddler On The Roof " that my girls were in in April, so I just made one more. Easy peesy lemon squeezy. But I thought since I had made bonnets for my sister and niece that my nephew would feel left out and unloved so ....Seth visited Nauvoo this spring and bought the most fun hat home. He looks real good in it too. I wanted to make Jacob (my nephew) one like it because it is authentic for the time, and many immigrants used this style hat. I tryed to find a pattern but could not. I could buy one for $15.00, but not make one. Then my lovely daughter Hanna called. I told her the problem, she said she would help and she did. She found some hats that were very like the one I wanted. I read the patterns instructions but they still were not exactly what I wanted. I just kept looking at Seth's hat. Finally I did it, I made a hat. It looked great. So I made one for Daxon 'cause he wanted one too. Then I thought Jacob might want to choose, so I made another. I took pictures so that anyone else can also make this men's cap . I also found out it is called an Irish work cap, not to be confused with the Irish flat cap or newsboy cap.
I know I look silly, I have it too low on my head.
First make your pattern : I use news print to draw mine on. Take a measurement of your head add a seam allowance and cut a piece of paper your head masurement plus seam allowance and 21/2 inches wide, this is your hat band. Draw a 17 inch circle this is the top of the hat. I did this without a compass, but a compass would have made it easier. Copy the bill of a baseball cap. I used Seth's original bill. It's a little smaller than a base ball cap.
Next you need scrap fabric. I don't know how much fabric I used. I just went through the scrap box, and for the lining I sewed some together to make it big enough.
You will need some kind of plastic for inside the bill. I did one hat with card board, but then it can't be washed as the bill will turn to mush, so for 2 of them I used plastic canvas.
You are now ready to start.
Hat band: one of fabric, When you cut the one of lining, make it the head measurement and seam allowance, then insted of 2 1/2 inches, make it 3 1/2 inches, as this extra is used to finish the inside seam of the hat
Bill: cut 2 of fabric, but add extra for seam allowance, .cut one of plastic canvas.
I know I look silly, I have it too low on my head.
First make your pattern : I use news print to draw mine on. Take a measurement of your head add a seam allowance and cut a piece of paper your head masurement plus seam allowance and 21/2 inches wide, this is your hat band. Draw a 17 inch circle this is the top of the hat. I did this without a compass, but a compass would have made it easier. Copy the bill of a baseball cap. I used Seth's original bill. It's a little smaller than a base ball cap.
Next you need scrap fabric. I don't know how much fabric I used. I just went through the scrap box, and for the lining I sewed some together to make it big enough.
You will need some kind of plastic for inside the bill. I did one hat with card board, but then it can't be washed as the bill will turn to mush, so for 2 of them I used plastic canvas.
You are now ready to start.
Hat band: one of fabric, When you cut the one of lining, make it the head measurement and seam allowance, then insted of 2 1/2 inches, make it 3 1/2 inches, as this extra is used to finish the inside seam of the hat
Bill: cut 2 of fabric, but add extra for seam allowance, .cut one of plastic canvas.
You should have 2 round pieces, 3 bills (one of plastic) 2 hat bands, one 2 1/2 in. one 3 1/2.
You are now ready to sew.
Take the two bills right sides together, sew around the top, leaving the bottom open. Turn right side out, press flat. Insert the plastic bill, then sew as closely as you can to the plastic, to close the bill.
Center the bill on the fabic head band, right sides together. Sew the bill to the hat band.
Now take the lining, and pin it to the head band, right sides together. Sew them together.
Next, sew the back seam. Make sure you have the fabric right side together.
Iron the hat band fold.
I like to add a little top stitch around the band at the fold, it helps them stay together.
Take the two circle, wrong sides together. Sew around the edge. Fold it in half, then ln half again. Mark each quarter fold. Do the same with the hat band.
Now, with right sides together, match the pins. Your hat top should be pinned to your hat band in four equal places.
I like to center my first pin in the middle of the bill. If you do this it makes a nice symmetrical hat. On either side of the center bill pin make a pleat. I put 3 equal pleats in each quarter. I also made the pleats on the right face one way and on the left face the opposite. I just thought it looked cool that way. Sew your hat top to the hat band.
As you can see in this picture, you have the band lining sticking out further than the band.
After sewing, trim the band and top seam. Do not cut off the band lining.
Now take the band lining and fold it over 1/4 inch, then fold it again over the raw edge of the hat band seam.
Sew it in place.
Turn right side out, and Voila, you have an Irish work hat.
silly me
silly Tishel
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