SO, at the High School this week it was Homecoming Week. My mother forgot to take pictures so she wanted me to describe what we wore every day. The first day was hobo day, Tishel dressed up in overalls and a worn out jean shirt. Kieora put on one of papi's ecuadorian shirts and hobo gloves (The kind that don't have fingers), I put on some worn out pants, one of papi's checkerd shirts, and a long sleeve black shirt underneith, with hobo gloves. Tishel and I made hobo sacks she made hers out of a stick and a purple bandana. I used a fly swatter and a blue bandana. The next day was crazy hair day. Tishel put a cup in her hair and made a really tall pony tail on top of her head. Kieora made a mushroom on her head, and I put ponytails all over on the top of my head, then once I got to school, one of my friends ratted my hair up huge, and sprayed it pink. Wednesday was crazy fashion day. Tishel wore bell bottoms, clunkey boots, a dark red shirt that had really big sleeves, and a tiarra. Kieora wore a bright blue shirt, a fuzzy scarf, caprees, and really tall, knee-high, brown boots. I was dressed as a goth. Thursday was school-spirit day. Tishel had robert's blue wresteling beany on, and mamita painted PIUTE on her left arm and a thunderbird on the other. Kieora had a thunderbird on her left, she was also dressed in red, white, and blue. I had war paint on my face, and PIUTE on one arm and T-BIRD on my other. Friday was Super-Hero day. Tishel was Panda-Girl. Kieora was a Tree Hugger (She wore all brown and had a green cape(I called her "The Tree") My friends and I dressed up all the same and called ourselves "The Super-Supers" and we wore funky socks with our pants rolled up, black shirts and capes. Our theme song was, "Cant touch This"! :) That day also was the day we had our talent show at the school. Tishel sang and played a song on the guitar that she wrote called, "You Wouldn't Believe", it was very nice. Kieora played "For Elise" it was also very nice. I played and sang "One Tin Soldier" on the guitar. When I was singing one of the words I accidently said Weward instead of Reward!:)
Back to the beginging of this week. . On sunday night William and Natalie and Seth came for Hal's funral, and they also went to look at a ranch out in angle that is for sale. They left on monday. Over the weekend Aunt Dana, Jacob, Delcia, and Sariah came to practice the song we have to sing on the Sixth. Yesterday, Saturday, we made horehound taffy, we all ended up burning our hands because we cooked it a little too long. Tishel made dark chocolate fudge, tootsie roll stuff. They were pretty good. Also on saterday momita and papi went into town and bought me a . . . DWARF HAMSTER!!! It is like a really really really small guinea pig and a really fat fluffy mouse without a tail. She has a black stripe going down her back and she has a tail but it is only this long ____. Sooo Cute!! Well Thats It . . . . . THE END :)
The Porter Tribe
new years 2012
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I have company
Its Sunday afternoon and Aunt Dana is on the couch sleeping .Jacob on the loveset reading ,Papi sleeping the bed and various kids are playing chess. I love it when I have company. We just finnised a great meal of porkcops mashed potatoes and fruit salad and squash . It was good meal .
I have a new calling in the ward so does papi . I am the third Sunday teacher in RS and also the RS corester ....Scary ...... and Papi is the 12 13 year old Sunday school teacher . I will have to practice leading all week so I don't mess up. The teaching I'm not to worried about . Al tho I do want to make it nice and spiritual. I also want to make singing enjoyable . Now I have a whole slew of worries that I really don't need too worrier about . !!!!! I guess if it wasn't one thing it would be another . lets just face it I worrier all the time ...
So that's the news or lack of news this week
Love ya all Mamita
I have a new calling in the ward so does papi . I am the third Sunday teacher in RS and also the RS corester ....Scary ...... and Papi is the 12 13 year old Sunday school teacher . I will have to practice leading all week so I don't mess up. The teaching I'm not to worried about . Al tho I do want to make it nice and spiritual. I also want to make singing enjoyable . Now I have a whole slew of worries that I really don't need too worrier about . !!!!! I guess if it wasn't one thing it would be another . lets just face it I worrier all the time ...
So that's the news or lack of news this week
Love ya all Mamita
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Its a new year
Another year has passed and what a great year it has been. William and Natalie found each other and started there lives together . Robert and Kim had a beautiful fun baby boy. Hanna and Tyler made there commitment legal. Michael has gotten well and also a job he loves . He is more and more like the man I married confident and happy . And I gained weight I am over 100 pounds now.
I have so many trhings to be grateful for and I don't even know how to Begin to express myself .
I keep going back to what Elder Packer said to our stake when he visited us a few years back . He blessed our stake that we would have our needs met and also some of our wants. I looked at where we were when we heard his words and I see Papi so sick he could barely get out of bed, struggling to complete his collage degree. He was so sick it hurt to think and read and look at the computer . I remember one summer at the RR when he walked with two canes because he hurt so bad he couldn't stand up with out support . I am so proud of him because he just kept at it,
and just kept going even when grades were lost assignments not delivered and constantly being told he couldn't do what he wanted to do.
Every morning now he wakes up excited about life and how he is going to teach or what he is going to teach the boys in his group and he is so excited about life again .
For many Christmases I didn't know how we were going to get by . So many gifts to buy and so many reposablities . This was the first Christmas in a long time that I felt at ease . Not that the kids got so much more than any other year it just seemed like things were coming together better, and the living room did look full with all the bikes . I was just
Thankful for a neighbor (and son in law) that worked on those old bikes and made them like new. And a niece who had fun standing in line to get a gift for her niece .
I just think back to those words of Elder Packer "Our wants and some of our needs."
What were my wants what were my needs ? I wanted Micheal well and we would have continued on even if he had never had health again. I wanted nice things for my kids, but they were happy with or without them . Micheal needed a job . I felt like he was losing ground losing self confidence losing part of his soul. I don't know what to call it, but he needed to be giving back and building people.
We have truly been blessed with many of our wants and needs .
I hope this next year is even better than the last was. William and Natalie starting their family . Robert graduating with his BS and going on beyond . Tyler back to collage . Seth going on a mission, LuLu and Kieora may even get there licences to drive . Michael getting full time work ,Building on to the house . Who knows what the blessings may be.
I have so many trhings to be grateful for and I don't even know how to Begin to express myself .
I keep going back to what Elder Packer said to our stake when he visited us a few years back . He blessed our stake that we would have our needs met and also some of our wants. I looked at where we were when we heard his words and I see Papi so sick he could barely get out of bed, struggling to complete his collage degree. He was so sick it hurt to think and read and look at the computer . I remember one summer at the RR when he walked with two canes because he hurt so bad he couldn't stand up with out support . I am so proud of him because he just kept at it,
and just kept going even when grades were lost assignments not delivered and constantly being told he couldn't do what he wanted to do.
Every morning now he wakes up excited about life and how he is going to teach or what he is going to teach the boys in his group and he is so excited about life again .
For many Christmases I didn't know how we were going to get by . So many gifts to buy and so many reposablities . This was the first Christmas in a long time that I felt at ease . Not that the kids got so much more than any other year it just seemed like things were coming together better, and the living room did look full with all the bikes . I was just
Thankful for a neighbor (and son in law) that worked on those old bikes and made them like new. And a niece who had fun standing in line to get a gift for her niece .
I just think back to those words of Elder Packer "Our wants and some of our needs."
What were my wants what were my needs ? I wanted Micheal well and we would have continued on even if he had never had health again. I wanted nice things for my kids, but they were happy with or without them . Micheal needed a job . I felt like he was losing ground losing self confidence losing part of his soul. I don't know what to call it, but he needed to be giving back and building people.
We have truly been blessed with many of our wants and needs .
I hope this next year is even better than the last was. William and Natalie starting their family . Robert graduating with his BS and going on beyond . Tyler back to collage . Seth going on a mission, LuLu and Kieora may even get there licences to drive . Michael getting full time work ,Building on to the house . Who knows what the blessings may be.
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