When Seth wrecked our car he hit his head on the steering wheel. He was in so much pain that we took him to the emergency room. they did a whole lot of scans done and they said that he was fine . Since that time Seth has been going numb . He is also losing his strength on his left side so now that he is back from Darlas we took him to Dr Rose a chiropractor in Richfield . Doctor Rose got the scans from Garfield and took xrays himself . He found a fracture and pinched nerves and some other things also .I don't know why I bother with doctors I have been disappointed every time I go and tell me why does alternative methods cost so much . Seth will be going to Dr rose for awhile to see if he can help with the pain and numbness but we are also going to take Seth to Kim in Spanish Fork .I just want him well so that this will not interfere with his mission.
Other than that we are all doing well .This week neither LuLu or Kieora made it to state in speech and drama. Lu was OK with that but Kieora was alittle disappointed .
We must lead a very boring life not much going on in our lives . Papi is covering for a therapist this week . We got our income tax back then divided it all up so we are almost broke again but not quite. we are buying material for the addition and also payed off a loan . its nice to know its gone and wont be back . we are still working on the refinance of the house . that will also save us money in the long run. the ten year goal is to the house payed off then go on a mission . I sure hope that we can do it all . this year we are in a better financial position than we have been in for a long time . I just hope it keeps getting better.
The Porter Tribe
new years 2012
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I love my sisters.
My sister Eunice came to visit she lives in Iowa . I talk to her on the phone but I don't get to see her very often . she came mostly to spend time with her mother (my mom too) and her grand kids and kids so I only went up for a couple of days. We had a nice brunch on Saturday . It was just so fun Friday night we played a game together ,and nobodyy cared that I missed every question. I didn't care . It was just so fun to play the game together like when we were girls.
Families are so much fun . God really knew what he was doing when he designed them.I fit into mine so well. But I think all my siters fit too. Its not that we look alike or dress or even believe alike . I just love then how they are . And in return they love me the way I am.
I wish that in this world there was more of this kind of acceptance. I look around and see so much intolerance . And sometimes I'm intolerant also . That being said I see more the value of tolerance being loved unconditionally is of great importance . I can better live my life knowing that no matter what happens my family is there for me and they will always love me and I love them.
I hope I can teach my kids to love each other like I love my own sisters and Mom.
Wail I was up with my sisters Michael(Papi) stayed at home and held down the fort What a wonderful man he is. . He and the kids had a great time building snowmen and igloos. I got pictures to post of that one . LuLu and Kieora were at a speech and debate competition. I picked them up on my way threw Richfield Friday when I got returned from Sandy. I had Seth with me he is done working for Darla . He starts at the Rocken R this week.LuLu will be working some also on weekends.
Well thats all for now
I love ya all
Families are so much fun . God really knew what he was doing when he designed them.I fit into mine so well. But I think all my siters fit too. Its not that we look alike or dress or even believe alike . I just love then how they are . And in return they love me the way I am.
I wish that in this world there was more of this kind of acceptance. I look around and see so much intolerance . And sometimes I'm intolerant also . That being said I see more the value of tolerance being loved unconditionally is of great importance . I can better live my life knowing that no matter what happens my family is there for me and they will always love me and I love them.
I hope I can teach my kids to love each other like I love my own sisters and Mom.
Wail I was up with my sisters Michael(Papi) stayed at home and held down the fort What a wonderful man he is. . He and the kids had a great time building snowmen and igloos. I got pictures to post of that one . LuLu and Kieora were at a speech and debate competition. I picked them up on my way threw Richfield Friday when I got returned from Sandy. I had Seth with me he is done working for Darla . He starts at the Rocken R this week.LuLu will be working some also on weekends.
Well thats all for now
I love ya all
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Antimony Revite
Natalie asked me to write today about an exciting thing that happened this week. As many of you may know We have been concerned for quite a while about Antimony dwindling away, and even wilting in the mean time. The people who live here need more work, and young people growing up have to leave because there is no opportunity here. Young families who would like to live here don't stay long, or don't move here at all because of the lack of work.
Keeping in mind Mahatma Gandhi's saying, "Be the change you wish to see in the world," I decided to prepare a plan to revitalize Antimony, and present it to the mayor, Shannon Allen. Shannon suggested that I present it to the town council this last Thursday evening which I did.
All my ideas were well received. They all thought the plan was just what was needed for Antimony, but they didn't feel they could do it as a town council. The plan includes applying for, and managing federal and state grants, and managing a couple of large projects. Everyone on the town council is already as busy as they can stand to be, and besides that they felt like they just didn't know how to do this.
It was suggested that I take it to the county. I was a little disappointed, but figured I'd take it as far as I could before laying it down for good. I looked up the county web site to get the phone number of the guy in charge of economic development, and found that the county had written up an economic development plan. I felt like I should read that before I called, and in that plan I found so many of the same ideas and components I had myself that it got me pretty excited. I called up the guy in charge of it all, and after talking with him a few minutes he asked it I would come in and meet with him at the county office. I went last Friday morning, and it was like the county had been locked and loaded and were just waiting for a target. I showed up with one.
I have to give credit to a lot of inspiration in preparing the plan and the presentation, and credit to my recent college class experiences for knowing how to go about preparing and presenting the plan. Though I still think it was more inspiration than learning.
The plan has 3 main parts. First we will get a grant to set up either a mobile or stationary USDA approved slaughter unit here in the valley. That will make it possible for farmers to sell directly to stores and restaurants. Next step is to set up what is called an "agricultural hub," which is a processing center that receives products from many directions and prepares them for sale. Most of the cooperative hubs functioning now are marketing to institutions, ie school districts, jails, and hospitals. We have those around here. At first the hub would just be dealing with meat, because that and alfalfa are the only things that are produced around here, but then it would start processing root vegetables, and other produce that the institutions can use, that is as soon as people start producing them, which I believe they would if the market is already secured. The hub would also be in charge of market research so that a wide variety of products could be produced and sold from here.
As people approach the hub with new ideas for producing different products, the market would be researched and funding found, and if research on both market and funding turn out favorably, that project would move forward.
Lastly, the plan includes an experiential work college that would continue to do research on new products and methods of production. That information would be passed on to the community for others to take advantage of.
I see a community where everyone who wishes will be involved in producing something that they are passionate about, and all connected through participation in the hub that takes care of the business they may not necessarily be good at. The competition between producers would practically disappear because everyone would be working with the same project.
I imagine a community that is not only vital, but vibrant. Where any new idea can be seriously checked out and the viable ones can be launched.
I find myself feeling almost giddy inside when I think of it. That's on the inside only. It wouldn't be proper for a man of my age and stature to be giddy on the outside.
I am sure it will take a few years to get it rolling, but as long as it's moving forward I can be patient.
So that's whats exciting in Antimony this week,
Keeping in mind Mahatma Gandhi's saying, "Be the change you wish to see in the world," I decided to prepare a plan to revitalize Antimony, and present it to the mayor, Shannon Allen. Shannon suggested that I present it to the town council this last Thursday evening which I did.
All my ideas were well received. They all thought the plan was just what was needed for Antimony, but they didn't feel they could do it as a town council. The plan includes applying for, and managing federal and state grants, and managing a couple of large projects. Everyone on the town council is already as busy as they can stand to be, and besides that they felt like they just didn't know how to do this.
It was suggested that I take it to the county. I was a little disappointed, but figured I'd take it as far as I could before laying it down for good. I looked up the county web site to get the phone number of the guy in charge of economic development, and found that the county had written up an economic development plan. I felt like I should read that before I called, and in that plan I found so many of the same ideas and components I had myself that it got me pretty excited. I called up the guy in charge of it all, and after talking with him a few minutes he asked it I would come in and meet with him at the county office. I went last Friday morning, and it was like the county had been locked and loaded and were just waiting for a target. I showed up with one.
I have to give credit to a lot of inspiration in preparing the plan and the presentation, and credit to my recent college class experiences for knowing how to go about preparing and presenting the plan. Though I still think it was more inspiration than learning.
The plan has 3 main parts. First we will get a grant to set up either a mobile or stationary USDA approved slaughter unit here in the valley. That will make it possible for farmers to sell directly to stores and restaurants. Next step is to set up what is called an "agricultural hub," which is a processing center that receives products from many directions and prepares them for sale. Most of the cooperative hubs functioning now are marketing to institutions, ie school districts, jails, and hospitals. We have those around here. At first the hub would just be dealing with meat, because that and alfalfa are the only things that are produced around here, but then it would start processing root vegetables, and other produce that the institutions can use, that is as soon as people start producing them, which I believe they would if the market is already secured. The hub would also be in charge of market research so that a wide variety of products could be produced and sold from here.
As people approach the hub with new ideas for producing different products, the market would be researched and funding found, and if research on both market and funding turn out favorably, that project would move forward.
Lastly, the plan includes an experiential work college that would continue to do research on new products and methods of production. That information would be passed on to the community for others to take advantage of.
I see a community where everyone who wishes will be involved in producing something that they are passionate about, and all connected through participation in the hub that takes care of the business they may not necessarily be good at. The competition between producers would practically disappear because everyone would be working with the same project.
I imagine a community that is not only vital, but vibrant. Where any new idea can be seriously checked out and the viable ones can be launched.
I find myself feeling almost giddy inside when I think of it. That's on the inside only. It wouldn't be proper for a man of my age and stature to be giddy on the outside.
I am sure it will take a few years to get it rolling, but as long as it's moving forward I can be patient.
So that's whats exciting in Antimony this week,
Monday, February 7, 2011
A trip to Aunt Danas
Over the weekend we went up to Sandy . A few weeks ago Aunt Dana asked Lulu Kieora and Tishel to help with a visiting teaching conference. She wanted Kieora LuLu and Jacob to accompany Tishel and Sariah as they sang the new theme song for the EFY 2011. She came down to Antimony twice and Papi worked with voice and timing. LuLu and Jacob changed cords and stuff and Kieora worked real hard at getting the timing right . They all looked beautiful and sang so lovely some people cryed .Jacob kissed his mom after they sang and all the Sisters really started to cry . It set the spirit for the whole meeting . Aunt Dana was wonderful and inspiring in her lesson . I don't think one women left without being touched by the spirit.I am so blessed to have such a talented sister ,children and Nieces and nephews.
After church they sang it again for Darla and Seth said that he wanted to have them sing the song at his farewell . It does use guitars so We will see what the bishop says.
Seth is still up at Darlas working on her house and will be home the 18th. He will start to work at the RR when he gets back.
We had a great time seeing Kim and Robert and Edgar . They looked so healthy and happy! Edgar is
growing so fast he can almost crawl. he does an inch worm thing . He was really cute . Papi was holding him on Saturday morning giving him kisses and when he stopped Edgar leaned over to me so I could give him kisses too . That boy is so smart. I love being a grandma.
Well another week gone in this new year and it is being a wonderful year.
Love you all
After church they sang it again for Darla and Seth said that he wanted to have them sing the song at his farewell . It does use guitars so We will see what the bishop says.
Seth is still up at Darlas working on her house and will be home the 18th. He will start to work at the RR when he gets back.
We had a great time seeing Kim and Robert and Edgar . They looked so healthy and happy! Edgar is
growing so fast he can almost crawl. he does an inch worm thing . He was really cute . Papi was holding him on Saturday morning giving him kisses and when he stopped Edgar leaned over to me so I could give him kisses too . That boy is so smart. I love being a grandma.
Well another week gone in this new year and it is being a wonderful year.
Love you all
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