Someone was stealing gas from the car we realized this because Seth had left his wallet in the car on Saturday night the 5th and when he went to get it his money was gone and the gas door was open. Sunday night we set the alarm on the car and sure enough at about 9:30 the alarm went off . we had just gotten out of the shower so by the time we got outside, they were long gone. Papi and I were really looking forward to the month of March. Papi had to go to get continuing education hours for his substance abuse counseling license, and the next week I was going to my 4H training. I loved it last year and I sure was looking forward to it this year.
We left on Tuesday night the 8th. We were also expecting our baby chicks on the 11th, 150. 100 broilers 50 layers.We are raising them with a neighbor.So back to the story
on Wednesday all was well, but on Thursday things went south.
Seth sent the kids off to school Lulu Kieora and Tishel at 7 am and Daxon at 8; 15 .At 9:30 Seth went to get the mail and found the chicks had come early. He was on his way to worked so he rushed home put the chicks in the brooder and water then and made it back to work at 10 . at 1:00 he signed out of work and got home to find the house had been trashed. He tryed to call us, remembered that William may be on his lunch so checked the email and found Natalie on then he called Robert also the bishop and us numerous times. He finally reached us at our lunch break. He was still pretty worked up but had called the police dispatch. He had tryed to get our local park ranger who is also a police officer but had called his home not his office the mother in law answered and said he wasn't there but didn't say he was at the office or send kids to get him. After Seth talked to me I called the principle of the school who is the bishops wife and she got the Bishop.
The relief Society got places for the kids to stay . The Bishop and his wife came and cleaned up the food and glass that was all over the kitchen and living room..Seth realized we had the keys to the house so he stayed here thinking the person would stay away if someone was home. He didn't sleep much.
We got home on Saturday we couldn't leave early because Papi had to have the hours or loose his licence. things were still prity bad, dressers tipped over glass still in the big bathroom. we got it mostly cleaned up by Sunday, just the other day I found another piece of broken glass tucked in a shelf that had been missed .Also Sunday the heat lamp that was over the chicks fell on the plastic water bottle melted it and flooded the brooder and drowned 13 chicks. We had to find another brooder and water bottle
On Monday the police came and accused Seth of the crime. We were shocked . Seth didn't move off the couch. I started to throw up and broke out in hives. None of us slept. We walked around like zombies. We sought legal advice and advice from friends and family. We were told to contact the County Attorney and see what they had planned to do. We did we got an appointment for the 21st. meanwhile I headed off to the 4H training that was down in St George this year. I tryed to enjoy myself but my classes were boring and once my instructor didn't even show up. I did make some jewelry and learned how to do some leather craft, but I was pretty stressed, and well, life isn't so fun when I'm stressed. Friday Seth was feeling a bit better so decided to go out with friends so he and Lulu went to Piute reservoir with some friends and had a campfire .On the way home they hit an elk and clipped another and barely missed a third. The first words out of Seth's mouth were "Lulu are you all right? cause if you are all right them everything is OK." Lulu said she felt very loved. On Sunday I taught my lesson in RS, and on Monday we met with the County attorney. We told Seth's side and all the other things that were happening. He believed us and so the accusations were dropped but because seth had said that he did the crime (he was alone with the cop who said he was going to arrest him if he didn't say he did it) Seth was then charged with giving false information to an officer. When we got home the Cop was waiting for Seth and gave him a Ticket for vandalism. Michael called the County Atotrny and he said not to worry, that the cop could give all the tickets he wanted, but we had already decided what we were going to do .
Michael was visiting a company in St George on Wednesday for his work and while he was there his supervisor called to tell him the corporation that owns the company that he was working for and the one that he was visiting was closing 7 companies and Aspen, the one Michael works for, and also the one he was visiting, were 2 of them. Friday Michael went to get into his truck and the handle broke off. The passenger side had already broken off. Since it was the only car running right now, we have to leave the window open so we can get in and out.
So now we see how my month has been. As my friend said when I told her we had lost 20 broilers and 5 layers, she suggested that we were having the month from hell.
Now lets go back and recap a bit, and look at all the Lord has done for us . The house was broken into we lost 600 in cash and an Ipod touch. but the house is still standing and livable. Michael has sold another casket, and we had savings and were able to go ahead and pay for some radio advertisement for the casket business. House insurance should cover the rest. Lulu said she finally got her dresser organized something she has wanted to do for a long time.
Seth was accused of the crime, but was not arrested, and is not going to jail. The county attorney is dropping the whole thing and thinks that Seth is innocent as his family and friends knew all along.
No one was home when the crime happened. It could have been so much worse. Papi was fasting and we were all praying and the Lord heard our prayers. We watched the county attorney change before our eyes and realize that Seth was not the person they were looking for. My sister Eunice called and said the song going through her mind was "Be still my soul." Michael had felt the same way his thoughts were "stand still and see the hand of the Lord."
We have full coverage on the car so it will be fixed by this week, and we are told that the insurance premium won't even go up. Lulu and Seth are not dead or in hospital and the car was not totaled.
And Michael;s company may be closing, but the people in Wayne county had a meeting, and they are going to take it over as a non-profit organization and just keep it running. Most people are releived that the cooperation is gone, as they sucked up all the profit yet didn't contribute much .
and we were able to orders new handle for the truck .
We read the story of Job, and we know that if we have faith in the Lord he will continue to bless us and as Job received double after his trial, we look forward to receiving more blessings
Be still my soul
The Porter Tribe
new years 2012
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Not in Antimony
Well.What can I say. I was excited to be with Michael in Las Vegas for a counseling conference continuing education to keep his LSAC. Lots of fun Right . It was till we got a phone call from Seth . Wail he was at work someone came in to the house and broke and stole alot of stuff I will post some photos.I asked if everyone was alright and they were so were all the Animals.Seth was prity shook up. He had called the police and loved ones . I called the relifsociaty who got the bishop and they stayed with Seth and cleaned up the mess. I dont have much else to say . so here are the pics
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