The Porter Tribe
new years 2012
Sunday, July 24, 2011
We had a great time with family at this years Williams reunion I do love my family . My brother was in charge of the cooking this year. Michael and William helped all day .It was long and hot but boy did that mutton taste good. On the way home Michael said they had some left over !I was so disappointed that I hadn't gotten any for the trip :( Tishel broke tradition by helping cut and prepare the meat . this is the first time in history that a girl has ever helped .I know I took a picture but I can't find it!We are having a great summer .
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Pioneer hats
So its summer time in Utah and everybody and his brother is going on trek! Those of you from any other state may not know what the hay trek is so I will tell you. When the Mormon pioneers came to Utah they came by wagon and also hand carts. Two groups of handcarts got caught in early winter storms and faced many hardships. These were the Martin and the Willie handcart companies. So today, to honor and learn about our great pioneer heritage, youth from the church return to Martin's cove and pull handcarts. They dress like pioneers and are allowed only the bare necessities. That brings me to this blog post. I have 3 daughters, 1 niece and a nephew going this year on trek. My sister is also going . Well I got out the pattern that I was given to make bonnets yesterday, and realized there were no measurementa for cutting, and sewing. I'm not THAT good, so I went on line and got a good pattern for bonnets . Thus prepared, I made bonnets. They were so easy I made one for not only my three girls but also my sister and niece and a neighbor. Then I made an apron. I was told that the aprons needed to have big pockets so they could hold water, sunscreen, and lip balm. I had already made 2 aprons of this sort for the play, "Fiddler On The Roof " that my girls were in in April, so I just made one more. Easy peesy lemon squeezy. But I thought since I had made bonnets for my sister and niece that my nephew would feel left out and unloved so ....Seth visited Nauvoo this spring and bought the most fun hat home. He looks real good in it too. I wanted to make Jacob (my nephew) one like it because it is authentic for the time, and many immigrants used this style hat. I tryed to find a pattern but could not. I could buy one for $15.00, but not make one. Then my lovely daughter Hanna called. I told her the problem, she said she would help and she did. She found some hats that were very like the one I wanted. I read the patterns instructions but they still were not exactly what I wanted. I just kept looking at Seth's hat. Finally I did it, I made a hat. It looked great. So I made one for Daxon 'cause he wanted one too. Then I thought Jacob might want to choose, so I made another. I took pictures so that anyone else can also make this men's cap . I also found out it is called an Irish work cap, not to be confused with the Irish flat cap or newsboy cap.
I know I look silly, I have it too low on my head.
First make your pattern : I use news print to draw mine on. Take a measurement of your head add a seam allowance and cut a piece of paper your head masurement plus seam allowance and 21/2 inches wide, this is your hat band. Draw a 17 inch circle this is the top of the hat. I did this without a compass, but a compass would have made it easier. Copy the bill of a baseball cap. I used Seth's original bill. It's a little smaller than a base ball cap.
Next you need scrap fabric. I don't know how much fabric I used. I just went through the scrap box, and for the lining I sewed some together to make it big enough.
You will need some kind of plastic for inside the bill. I did one hat with card board, but then it can't be washed as the bill will turn to mush, so for 2 of them I used plastic canvas.
You are now ready to start.
Hat band: one of fabric, When you cut the one of lining, make it the head measurement and seam allowance, then insted of 2 1/2 inches, make it 3 1/2 inches, as this extra is used to finish the inside seam of the hat
Bill: cut 2 of fabric, but add extra for seam allowance, .cut one of plastic canvas.
I know I look silly, I have it too low on my head.
First make your pattern : I use news print to draw mine on. Take a measurement of your head add a seam allowance and cut a piece of paper your head masurement plus seam allowance and 21/2 inches wide, this is your hat band. Draw a 17 inch circle this is the top of the hat. I did this without a compass, but a compass would have made it easier. Copy the bill of a baseball cap. I used Seth's original bill. It's a little smaller than a base ball cap.
Next you need scrap fabric. I don't know how much fabric I used. I just went through the scrap box, and for the lining I sewed some together to make it big enough.
You will need some kind of plastic for inside the bill. I did one hat with card board, but then it can't be washed as the bill will turn to mush, so for 2 of them I used plastic canvas.
You are now ready to start.
Hat band: one of fabric, When you cut the one of lining, make it the head measurement and seam allowance, then insted of 2 1/2 inches, make it 3 1/2 inches, as this extra is used to finish the inside seam of the hat
Bill: cut 2 of fabric, but add extra for seam allowance, .cut one of plastic canvas.
You should have 2 round pieces, 3 bills (one of plastic) 2 hat bands, one 2 1/2 in. one 3 1/2.
You are now ready to sew.
Take the two bills right sides together, sew around the top, leaving the bottom open. Turn right side out, press flat. Insert the plastic bill, then sew as closely as you can to the plastic, to close the bill.
Center the bill on the fabic head band, right sides together. Sew the bill to the hat band.
Now take the lining, and pin it to the head band, right sides together. Sew them together.
Next, sew the back seam. Make sure you have the fabric right side together.
Iron the hat band fold.
I like to add a little top stitch around the band at the fold, it helps them stay together.
Take the two circle, wrong sides together. Sew around the edge. Fold it in half, then ln half again. Mark each quarter fold. Do the same with the hat band.
Now, with right sides together, match the pins. Your hat top should be pinned to your hat band in four equal places.
I like to center my first pin in the middle of the bill. If you do this it makes a nice symmetrical hat. On either side of the center bill pin make a pleat. I put 3 equal pleats in each quarter. I also made the pleats on the right face one way and on the left face the opposite. I just thought it looked cool that way. Sew your hat top to the hat band.
As you can see in this picture, you have the band lining sticking out further than the band.
After sewing, trim the band and top seam. Do not cut off the band lining.
Now take the band lining and fold it over 1/4 inch, then fold it again over the raw edge of the hat band seam.
Sew it in place.
Turn right side out, and Voila, you have an Irish work hat.
silly me
silly Tishel
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