I am now 52 , Yup that's right 52 ,I thought by now I would have a head full of gray hair.So I wonder how old do I look . give me a good guess. For my birthday I got a foot message from Lucia, A hug from Kieora and Michael gave me European chocolates, William and Natalie sent me 2 chicken books. I love chickens.
In other news Lucia took 5th in Panguitch this week Tishel took 8th . Kieora has been gone alot with volleyball ,she is the teem manager.
Michael fixed up the back of the house the cover to the crawl space was falling apart and catching the watter from the rain and funneling it right under the house . Its all new now and he removed the old grow box and planter and repaired the wood that coverd the connection of the house to the foundation. . It really made a difference too the house . Now if we could just get the leak under the bathroom fixed ,the hole in the little bathroom floor fixed and the addition done . things would really look nice .
I taught my lesson today , I am the 3rd sunday teacher I dont know why I always think I am the 2nd sunday teacher . Some glitch in my brain.
It was a hard lesson for me to teach . The gathering of Israel. I have been studying and pondering it all week . Its just a hard one for me to bring excitement to. I asked one of the ladies in our ward when she knew she was spiritually gathered in . she told of how she was ridding in a car with her friend and they had both babies with them ,before car seats, so they were just on the seat beside her,one on each side .everyone in the front seat, when they ran into a heard of cows that had bedded down all across the road ,she said she put an arm around each baby ducked her head and closed her eyes and prayed . when she opened her eyes they were past the cows , she looked at her friend and asked how did you get past the cows and her friend said I don't know I shut my eyes too. that's when the sister in my ward sad she realized God loved her ,He was aware of her and how her life was . she testified that the Lord answers prayers some quick some take 20 years but he always answers
I know this too .
I love you all , Mamita
The Porter Tribe
new years 2012
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
New callings,Lots of medales
Lucia tells me that I must tell you all about the cross county stuff she and Tishel are doing so I will start with that . Lucia is running cross country again! Tishel is also running in 8th grade JV . They are both doing really well Lucia has placed every time even tho she had to stop once and tie her shoe! She was getting run down so we started giving her green smoothies every morning and having her drink chia seeds every afternoon. She is now keeping her strainth and feeling not so over whelmed .Sinc Tishel is also runing She is doing the same thing . She had a disappointment at fish lake because they mixed up the places and put others who finished after her in front of her even when she pointed out who she came in front of and who she was behind they didn't get it right and she lost getting a meddle . Not a happy camper.Lucia has been cast as Van Ripre in the headless horse men. Kieora is singing Popular from wicked and is Annie in hard nock life in the musical review that they are doing with the new music teacher.
Michael has a new calling in the ward. now he has three . He teaches the 12 13 year old Sunday class he also is a home teacher and he was just set apart today as the Ward music director and along with Oli as his assistant.
Thats all the news I know kinda boring But I do love you all
Michael has a new calling in the ward. now he has three . He teaches the 12 13 year old Sunday class he also is a home teacher and he was just set apart today as the Ward music director and along with Oli as his assistant.
Thats all the news I know kinda boring But I do love you all
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