The Porter Tribe

The Porter Tribe
new years 2012

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I cant think of anything

Well I am blank as to what has happend this week . It seems the days have come and gone I sleep eat and shop and work and plan and clean,
Papi did get a shelf up for me in the kitchen I did finish my class and LuLu did turn 16 ( LuLu thinks this is a big thing)
The thing that was the best to happen this week is Hanna got married . This made me very happy. Hanna didnt want a big thing made of it so I diodnt but none the less I am very happy to have Tyler as my son .I am so looking forward to seeing all my kids sometime during the hollidays.Hanna and Tyler the 22 till after Christmas . William and Natalie will be here after christmas and threw new years then Robert and Kim for new years .
We have bought heaters for the hobit and hogon . we bug bomed and put mouse poisin out just in case . papi bought sone spray insalation to fix the holes . I hope they are habitable We will do our best to clean and vacume and dust .
Well anyway thats my week in a nut shell . I must be the boringest person in the world.


  1. It's probably not that you are boring you are probably just not the best at writing journals. I can never think of anything to write either.
