Well I am blank as to what has happend this week . It seems the days have come and gone I sleep eat and shop and work and plan and clean,
Papi did get a shelf up for me in the kitchen I did finish my class and LuLu did turn 16 ( LuLu thinks this is a big thing)
The thing that was the best to happen this week is Hanna got married . This made me very happy. Hanna didnt want a big thing made of it so I diodnt but none the less I am very happy to have Tyler as my son .I am so looking forward to seeing all my kids sometime during the hollidays.Hanna and Tyler the 22 till after Christmas . William and Natalie will be here after christmas and threw new years then Robert and Kim for new years .
We have bought heaters for the hobit and hogon . we bug bomed and put mouse poisin out just in case . papi bought sone spray insalation to fix the holes . I hope they are habitable We will do our best to clean and vacume and dust .
Well anyway thats my week in a nut shell . I must be the boringest person in the world.
The Porter Tribe
new years 2012
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Temple trip
(This is Lucia)So on Saturday my ward did baptisms for the dead. It was a really spiritual trip. I love going to the temple because even when your having trouble with school, you can just walk on the grounds and you can feel so much better.I love being part of this church, and I know that it is true. The only thing I didn't like about the trip was that I was the only girl that went. Another ward was supposed to be there. It was all girls. We where all supposed to be there at 9 So I wouldn't be all by my self but they where a 1/2 hour late. So by the time they got there I was out of the shower and getting dressed. We went to Golden Coral. I love the food there, even though it was still breakfast food when we got there. The boys kept teasing me because I didn't eat 5 plates of food and that I got lemonade instead of soda. When we finally started home they all said they where so full they were going to barf. And then they started making up words that meant barf. They came up with 28 words!! Ugg!! Well that was it. The End
(mamita now) We had a good time at the picture party by Aunt Janice . The food was good the company was good .the drive there and back was good and the bonus was seeing Robert and Kim and Little Edgar. We stayed at Aunt Dana's house on both Friday and Saturday.I'm so thankful for my sister.The car is a dream to drive we really love it.
Big news ! I think I have told everyone who reads this but just in case . Hanna and Tyler are getting married this week . I don't know what day. I was hopping Hanna would tell me so I could at least attend in spirit! We are happy that they are getting married and now Tyler is officially our son ..Yay!!!
Well that's all that has happened this week.
(mamita now) We had a good time at the picture party by Aunt Janice . The food was good the company was good .the drive there and back was good and the bonus was seeing Robert and Kim and Little Edgar. We stayed at Aunt Dana's house on both Friday and Saturday.I'm so thankful for my sister.The car is a dream to drive we really love it.
Big news ! I think I have told everyone who reads this but just in case . Hanna and Tyler are getting married this week . I don't know what day. I was hopping Hanna would tell me so I could at least attend in spirit! We are happy that they are getting married and now Tyler is officially our son ..Yay!!!
Well that's all that has happened this week.
Sunday, November 28, 2010

A high part of the day was when Jesse's boy friend came to pick her up for lunch and we all ran outside to see him . She jumped in the car and we could see her saying go go .. He was really laughing. We tryed to catch him when he came home but missed him.
A disturbing part of the day was that some kids ran wild and Danas den door was broken and also some toys. This has been a reoccurring problem witch takes the fun out of being together.
A sad part of the day was Lydia couldn't come as her family had the throw ups. Baily had them to and only missed the toilet or bowl once. Good thing Aunt Jessie was there as Grandma (Louise) couldn't clean it up.
Robert and Kim were not able to get to Williams for thanks giving thanks to the snow storm . so they ended there Family reunion by driving down to see us and spend a few hours.Boy has Little Edger grown . Grandpa
Doesn't like to make candy so they played together the whole time . I spent most of my time covered in powdered sugar so I just gave him lots of sweet kisses.
We had a great time visiting . We also had thanksgiving dinner with Dana. Lots of food .Thanks giving night LuLu spent in Wall mart helping Darla get her Christmas shopping done. We got an Item also . I think LuLu enjoyed herself.Dana and Papi and I spent all the next day searching for an item that will remain anonymous till Christmas .We looked and looked but was successful lat in the day. I also was able to get my married kids gifts and also some off the big kids stuff and also .So I feel well on my way to being done
The other big event that happened this week is that we got a car . we are happy to say the last one bit the dust ,went the way of the world ,has seen better days, in other words It blew its engine. So when I was praying I felt we should go to Richfield and get another car. We found a Dodge Derango I didn't like the tires so had them put new ones on . It worked great getting threw the storm to and from Sandy . .The only draw back is the color. its this silvergoldish thing . I'm sure there was lots more that went on this week but I'm either to old or to tired to remember!
I love you all
MamitaMonday, November 15, 2010
William and Natalie were in Utah this weekend we made an effort to see them . on our way to manti the car broke down we made it back home then They made the decision to come to Antimony and see us . I was so grateful that they did . I have missed them . Natalie isn't even showing yet. She looked healthy . she did have a few sniffles . Papi gave her some ginger tea and I gave her echinacea.I really enjoyed the short visit we had. I cant wait till Christmas. We drew names for Christmas wail they were here . Hanna has Kieora, Tyler has Robert ,Kim has William, Robert has Daxon, LuLu has Tishel, Kieora has Hanna, Tishel has Baby Edgar, Natalie Nicole has Seth, Seth has Kim, William has LuLu ,Daxon has Natalie Nicole
It seems like I cant seem to get ahead of the car and money demands .It seems like every time I think I have the money for Christmas something breaks down . I really want to go shopping next week when I am up north but it looks like I will be lucky if I can get up there AAARRRGGGGG. (that is me yelling in frustration)
And another thing If anyone can find a use for square root that is actually useful I want to know because as far as I'm concerned its unnecessary and a waist of time. Something to make mothers and daughters aggravated with each other .Well I hope that the week gets better from here .
It seems like I cant seem to get ahead of the car and money demands .It seems like every time I think I have the money for Christmas something breaks down . I really want to go shopping next week when I am up north but it looks like I will be lucky if I can get up there AAARRRGGGGG. (that is me yelling in frustration)
And another thing If anyone can find a use for square root that is actually useful I want to know because as far as I'm concerned its unnecessary and a waist of time. Something to make mothers and daughters aggravated with each other .Well I hope that the week gets better from here .
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The weeks go by
Well I said I would post all about our Halloween this week as last week our computer was once again down . But it seems like Halloween was so long ago that who cares now is the attitude . But then again the kids all looked so great in there costumes and there was the play and all that went along with it so much fun with the colada and guaguas I guess I had better say something. We had the church Halloween party on the 26th . Dax dressed as a hick and Tishel as a zombie Kieora was a vampire and LuLu Hillbilly. I didn't get to dress up as was at class and got home just in time to head off to the party. The kids seemed to have fun .Kieora won the donut eating contest for the Girls and Indi won the boys . no one in our family won a cake at the cake walk . (so happy about that). On the 27th the high school went back to school after the harvest break (deer hunt)and also dresses up for the costume contest. This time LuLu was a cat kieora a goth and Tish a vampire . I guess when you have a box of costumes available why just choose one for Halloween. The next Day Kieoa left with the volleyball team for state piute took 2nd . on the 29th was the elementary school party I did dress up for this I was a fifteen century women . Dax was a Wizard. We ate alot of treats had a spookalie and played games. After I went to town with papi but I was sick with a migrain . I threw up around circle vill and slept till Richfield . I was glad when we made it home again . I have only one other time thown up from a migraine(except when pregnant) both times in the car . (actually out side the car after it stopped). I really don't recommend it to anyone. We did our trick or treating Saturday night . It was also stake conference weekend so Papi and I had a meeting in circleville to go to . LuLu had a party at Terra Penmans .Seth took the kids trick or treating. We dropped LuLu off then picked her up after the meeting. after we got home we divided up the goodies so Seth could have some and we will have treats for the next few weeks.
I hate missing trick or treat but the meeting was a good one . Elder Wheeler was there and he promised us or Family will be saved if we attend the temple . I really believe that when we are promised by the elders of the church that they a speaking to us from a loving father . When Elder Packer was here a few year ago he promised that we would have our needs met and some of our wants . I have seen that blessing come to pass so I know that what Elder Wheeler said would also happen But I need to do my part . We have been trying to get to the temple every month....... well we haven't been since Williams wedding.....I know that's been a few months. So we decided that we would go on Friday. Papi and I have been married 29 years on the 10th of this month(November) and we wanted to celebrate this weekend . So Papi got a reservation at a local hotel . We were going to go the Manti temple and I got out my recommend and realised as of the 31st of October I was overdue . I ran to work Papi got hold of the bishop and stake president and after work we got new recommends . then when we got to the temple they were not yet recorded so they didn't come up on the computer . the man at the desk made some calls and they let us in. I was so glad that we were able to get in .The spirit was so strong and stayed with us the whole day and even today I still can feel the spirt of peace and well being from the temple.
I meet Papi when I was 19 years old he was18 .It sure doesn't seem like 29 years have passed . But we have definitely been thru some tough times and some really great times but I have never draughted that he was the one for me . I think a time or two he has wonder tho . I am thankful for Temple marriage and the priesthood that has been restored so that we have eternal marriage .
On another note a few weeks ago our neighbor called and wanted to know if we would like a cockatil . She just didn't have time for it . So of course I did but took awhile to talk to Papi about it . But once LuLu found out papi said yes . she called our neighbor but her brother had wanted it, we were sad . but then she called and said my brother forgot the bird is yours so the girls went up and got him . Tami the neighbor said he talkes but we havent got him to yet but we all like him. His name is buddy .
So thats all our news for this week I love you all
I hate missing trick or treat but the meeting was a good one . Elder Wheeler was there and he promised us or Family will be saved if we attend the temple . I really believe that when we are promised by the elders of the church that they a speaking to us from a loving father . When Elder Packer was here a few year ago he promised that we would have our needs met and some of our wants . I have seen that blessing come to pass so I know that what Elder Wheeler said would also happen But I need to do my part . We have been trying to get to the temple every month....... well we haven't been since Williams wedding.....I know that's been a few months. So we decided that we would go on Friday. Papi and I have been married 29 years on the 10th of this month(November) and we wanted to celebrate this weekend . So Papi got a reservation at a local hotel . We were going to go the Manti temple and I got out my recommend and realised as of the 31st of October I was overdue . I ran to work Papi got hold of the bishop and stake president and after work we got new recommends . then when we got to the temple they were not yet recorded so they didn't come up on the computer . the man at the desk made some calls and they let us in. I was so glad that we were able to get in .The spirit was so strong and stayed with us the whole day and even today I still can feel the spirt of peace and well being from the temple.
I meet Papi when I was 19 years old he was18 .It sure doesn't seem like 29 years have passed . But we have definitely been thru some tough times and some really great times but I have never draughted that he was the one for me . I think a time or two he has wonder tho . I am thankful for Temple marriage and the priesthood that has been restored so that we have eternal marriage .
On another note a few weeks ago our neighbor called and wanted to know if we would like a cockatil . She just didn't have time for it . So of course I did but took awhile to talk to Papi about it . But once LuLu found out papi said yes . she called our neighbor but her brother had wanted it, we were sad . but then she called and said my brother forgot the bird is yours so the girls went up and got him . Tami the neighbor said he talkes but we havent got him to yet but we all like him. His name is buddy .
So thats all our news for this week I love you all
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Zombie computer
So we missed posting last Sunday . We got a virus on the computer on Friday . we took the computer in and when they saw it Rolph or computer guy said you again . Its the zombie computer It just keeps coming back from the dead .Yup that's my computer . its still doing everything I ask so I wont give it up just yet . So on Sunday Lu and I will make a good long post to make up for last week with halloween we have a lot to tell.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Who's blog is this anyway?
I (Lu-Lu) wanted to start a blog, but Momita also wanted to start a blog. So we sat down this afternoon and started a blog. Our goal is to write every Sunday so everyone will know what is happening in our lives.
On the weekend of the 17th Robert, Kim, and Baby Edgar came to visit. They stayed in my room. I had to sleep on the floor in the living room on a flat air mattress. The most memorable part of their visit was that the septic tank backing up so we had to go outside and use a bush or go down the street to use the neighbors bathroom. That was interesting. On Tuesday the septic people came and now we can flush the toilet, take a shower, use the sinks, and the dish washer (we used the hose outside and some buckets to wash the dishes). Indoor pluming is so great. :)
Other than that it was fun having Baby Edgar here (his parents too). We also went to my cousin Andy's wedding. It was down by LeVerkin or somewhere we aren't really sure. We got lost and missed the whole wedding, but we did get to the reception. It was really fun the see everyone like Aunt Nancy (who came all the way from Costa Rica). But it was not fun when my other cousin Abby made me dance with a really tall guy. That was awkward.
On the 19th Daxon and Momita went to the pumpkin patch. They got some pumpkins that we will carve for family home evening. Also that day I went up to Salt Lake for State Cross Country. I was one of the few Girls who got to go from my district .Our school doesn't have a girls cross country teem so only the top three qualifying girls without teams can go to state . Two of the girls were from my school . Myself and my friend Kaycia . On Wednesdays we ran at 11am I was scared . Aunt Dana came to watch me . I didn't hear the race called and almost missed it .My friend took 17th place and I was 27th which was an improvement over my last year of 34 . I was glad when it was over . As soon as the boys were done racing we rushed back to Piute high for our final rehearsal for the Zombie Movie a play that Tishel, Kieora and I were in .
(Mamita taking over this post)
The kids were great in the play . Papi didn't even recognize Kieora because of her makeup . She was playing a zombie actor . It took us a wile to recognize Tishel too . She was an actual Zombie, a male zombie . LuLu was pretty easy to recognize she didn't have any elaborate makeup. She was a hillbilly.They grossed $1100.00 the night of the play. That's more than has ever been generated on a performance at the school . Mr Bagley the principle was really proud of them . The kids did really well . all the parts were great but the best was our neighbor Stede who no one recognized him. he was also a hill billy but He had mutton chops a mustache and one of those little beards that just grow under the lip . his whole body and voice were different as well as his walk and demeanor .I turned to papi and said that's Stede He couldn't believe it he leaned forward to Stedes mom and complemented her on how well he was doing and then she realized it was Stede then she leaned forward and told his grandparents who also hadn't recognized him. All the kids were great . there was a part in the play were they take people from the audience to help and Dax was chosen with a little help from Seth signaling a friend to choose him . Dax had to help vanquish the zombies . Did I say how the Play was great?The day after the play was region volley ball and Keiora took off with the teem she is one of the managers. with budget cuts the school didn't pay for a hotel so they returned that night at 1:30 am .The team too second.
Seth also left Friday night to beaver were he met friends in beaver and went to a concert in Ogdon . They also picked up friends in Ephraim,Who they picked up in Neiph. They saw Allred a Christan band. I didnt know them but He thought we would like the music
We are on harvest break Monday and Tuesday from the high school and just Monday the Elementary . After last week we really needed the break
Papi has been at his new job now Two weeks. This week he will be spending a night out with the recovery group that he is working with training staff and holding a 12 step meeting . He is loving his work .
So that's how are family is doing .
I am in the primary presidency . Today was the primary program in sacrament meeting . ... need I say more? It all turned out well even tho we were short one family and one little girl was crying so bad she had to go sit by her mom(who is the president ) and one little girl wouldn't even come up to the seats she just stayed with her family . Both of them are 4 . I guess it was just too intimidating all those people looking at them .
Well if I knew how I would post pictures but I don't knew how so this is all you get till next week .
Lots of Love
LuLu and Mamita
On the weekend of the 17th Robert, Kim, and Baby Edgar came to visit. They stayed in my room. I had to sleep on the floor in the living room on a flat air mattress. The most memorable part of their visit was that the septic tank backing up so we had to go outside and use a bush or go down the street to use the neighbors bathroom. That was interesting. On Tuesday the septic people came and now we can flush the toilet, take a shower, use the sinks, and the dish washer (we used the hose outside and some buckets to wash the dishes). Indoor pluming is so great. :)
Other than that it was fun having Baby Edgar here (his parents too). We also went to my cousin Andy's wedding. It was down by LeVerkin or somewhere we aren't really sure. We got lost and missed the whole wedding, but we did get to the reception. It was really fun the see everyone like Aunt Nancy (who came all the way from Costa Rica). But it was not fun when my other cousin Abby made me dance with a really tall guy. That was awkward.
On the 19th Daxon and Momita went to the pumpkin patch. They got some pumpkins that we will carve for family home evening. Also that day I went up to Salt Lake for State Cross Country. I was one of the few Girls who got to go from my district .Our school doesn't have a girls cross country teem so only the top three qualifying girls without teams can go to state . Two of the girls were from my school . Myself and my friend Kaycia . On Wednesdays we ran at 11am I was scared . Aunt Dana came to watch me . I didn't hear the race called and almost missed it .My friend took 17th place and I was 27th which was an improvement over my last year of 34 . I was glad when it was over . As soon as the boys were done racing we rushed back to Piute high for our final rehearsal for the Zombie Movie a play that Tishel, Kieora and I were in .
(Mamita taking over this post)
The kids were great in the play . Papi didn't even recognize Kieora because of her makeup . She was playing a zombie actor . It took us a wile to recognize Tishel too . She was an actual Zombie, a male zombie . LuLu was pretty easy to recognize she didn't have any elaborate makeup. She was a hillbilly.They grossed $1100.00 the night of the play. That's more than has ever been generated on a performance at the school . Mr Bagley the principle was really proud of them . The kids did really well . all the parts were great but the best was our neighbor Stede who no one recognized him. he was also a hill billy but He had mutton chops a mustache and one of those little beards that just grow under the lip . his whole body and voice were different as well as his walk and demeanor .I turned to papi and said that's Stede He couldn't believe it he leaned forward to Stedes mom and complemented her on how well he was doing and then she realized it was Stede then she leaned forward and told his grandparents who also hadn't recognized him. All the kids were great . there was a part in the play were they take people from the audience to help and Dax was chosen with a little help from Seth signaling a friend to choose him . Dax had to help vanquish the zombies . Did I say how the Play was great?The day after the play was region volley ball and Keiora took off with the teem she is one of the managers. with budget cuts the school didn't pay for a hotel so they returned that night at 1:30 am .The team too second.
Seth also left Friday night to beaver were he met friends in beaver and went to a concert in Ogdon . They also picked up friends in Ephraim,Who they picked up in Neiph. They saw Allred a Christan band. I didnt know them but He thought we would like the music
We are on harvest break Monday and Tuesday from the high school and just Monday the Elementary . After last week we really needed the break
Papi has been at his new job now Two weeks. This week he will be spending a night out with the recovery group that he is working with training staff and holding a 12 step meeting . He is loving his work .
So that's how are family is doing .
I am in the primary presidency . Today was the primary program in sacrament meeting . ... need I say more? It all turned out well even tho we were short one family and one little girl was crying so bad she had to go sit by her mom(who is the president ) and one little girl wouldn't even come up to the seats she just stayed with her family . Both of them are 4 . I guess it was just too intimidating all those people looking at them .
Well if I knew how I would post pictures but I don't knew how so this is all you get till next week .
Lots of Love
LuLu and Mamita
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