The Porter Tribe

The Porter Tribe
new years 2012

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The weeks go by

Well I said I would post all about our Halloween this week as last week our computer was once again down . But it seems like Halloween was so long ago that who cares now is the attitude . But then again the kids all looked so great in there costumes and there was the play and all that went along with it so much fun with the colada and guaguas I guess I had better say something. We had the church Halloween party on the 26th . Dax dressed as a hick and Tishel as a zombie Kieora was a vampire and LuLu Hillbilly. I didn't get to dress up as was at class and got home just in time to head off to the party. The kids seemed to have fun .Kieora won the donut eating contest for the Girls and Indi won the boys . no one in our family won a cake at the cake walk . (so happy about that). On the 27th the high school went back to school after the harvest break (deer hunt)and also dresses up for the costume contest. This time LuLu was a cat kieora a goth and Tish a vampire . I guess when you have a box of costumes available why just choose one for Halloween. The next Day Kieoa left with the volleyball team for state piute took 2nd . on the 29th was the elementary school party I did dress up for this I was a fifteen century women . Dax was a Wizard. We ate alot of treats had a spookalie and  played games. After I went to town with papi but I was sick with a migrain . I threw up around circle vill and slept till Richfield . I was glad when we made it home again . I have only one other time thown up from a migraine(except when pregnant) both times in the car . (actually out side the car after it stopped). I really don't recommend it to anyone. We did our trick or treating Saturday night . It was also stake conference weekend so Papi and I had a meeting in circleville to go to . LuLu had a party at Terra Penmans .Seth took the kids trick or treating. We dropped LuLu off then picked her up after the meeting. after we got home we divided up the goodies so Seth could have some and we will have treats for the next few weeks.

I hate missing trick or treat but the meeting was a good one . Elder Wheeler was there and he promised us or Family will be saved if we attend the temple . I really believe that when we are promised by the elders of the church that they a speaking to us from a loving father . When Elder Packer was here a few year ago he promised that we would have our needs met and some of our wants . I have seen that blessing come to pass so I know that what Elder Wheeler said would also happen But I need to do my part . We have been trying to get to the temple every month....... well we haven't been since Williams wedding.....I know that's been a few months. So we decided that we would go on Friday. Papi and I have been married 29 years on the 10th of this month(November) and we wanted to celebrate this weekend . So Papi got a reservation at a local hotel . We were going to go the Manti temple and I got out my recommend and realised as of the 31st of October I was overdue  . I ran to work Papi got hold of the bishop and stake president and after work we got new recommends . then when we got to the temple they were not yet recorded so they didn't come up on the computer . the man at the desk made some calls and they let us in.  I was so glad that we were able to get in .The spirit was so strong and stayed with us the whole day and even today I still can feel the spirt of peace and well being from the temple.
I meet Papi when I was 19 years old he was18 .It sure doesn't seem like 29 years have passed . But we have definitely been thru some tough times and some really great times but I have never draughted that he was the one for me . I think a time or two he has wonder tho . I am thankful for Temple marriage and the priesthood that has been restored so that we have eternal marriage .

On another note a few weeks ago our neighbor called and wanted to know if we would like a cockatil . She just didn't have time for it . So of course I did but took awhile to talk to Papi about it . But once LuLu found out papi said yes . she called our neighbor but her brother had wanted it, we were sad . but then she called and said my brother forgot the bird is yours so the girls went up and got him . Tami the neighbor said he talkes but we havent got him to yet but we all like him. His name is buddy .
So thats all our news for this week I love you all

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