A high part of the day was when Jesse's boy friend came to pick her up for lunch and we all ran outside to see him . She jumped in the car and we could see her saying go go .. He was really laughing. We tryed to catch him when he came home but missed him.
A disturbing part of the day was that some kids ran wild and Danas den door was broken and also some toys. This has been a reoccurring problem witch takes the fun out of being together.
A sad part of the day was Lydia couldn't come as her family had the throw ups. Baily had them to and only missed the toilet or bowl once. Good thing Aunt Jessie was there as Grandma (Louise) couldn't clean it up.
Robert and Kim were not able to get to Williams for thanks giving thanks to the snow storm . so they ended there Family reunion by driving down to see us and spend a few hours.Boy has Little Edger grown . Grandpa
Doesn't like to make candy so they played together the whole time . I spent most of my time covered in powdered sugar so I just gave him lots of sweet kisses.
We had a great time visiting . We also had thanksgiving dinner with Dana. Lots of food .Thanks giving night LuLu spent in Wall mart helping Darla get her Christmas shopping done. We got an Item also . I think LuLu enjoyed herself.Dana and Papi and I spent all the next day searching for an item that will remain anonymous till Christmas .We looked and looked but was successful lat in the day. I also was able to get my married kids gifts and also some off the big kids stuff and also .So I feel well on my way to being done
The other big event that happened this week is that we got a car . we are happy to say the last one bit the dust ,went the way of the world ,has seen better days, in other words It blew its engine. So when I was praying I felt we should go to Richfield and get another car. We found a Dodge Derango I didn't like the tires so had them put new ones on . It worked great getting threw the storm to and from Sandy . .The only draw back is the color. its this silvergoldish thing . I'm sure there was lots more that went on this week but I'm either to old or to tired to remember!
I love you all