The Porter Tribe

The Porter Tribe
new years 2012

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Being a Grandma

I raised my Children far from home . I now regret that . My grown children live many hours away from me . now they are having children of there own. I want so much to see them everyday . They change so fast . I want to be the Grandma like my grandma . She always had cinnamon rolls in the cookie jar or raisins in the cupboard or better yet a jar of canned raspberries  that she would get out when I came to visit . how can I be that type of grandma to my beautiful grand children who live so far from me . I don't even know if they really will know me at all.
I can not believe how much I love them .

I want to thank my sons and Daughter in laws for giving me the opportunity to be a grandma . And I hope that I can be the best grandma in the world